Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Putting Christmas Away

Today I tackled taking down the Christmas tree, how depressing! January seems nothing but doom and gloom (I'm not a fan of winter), especially since I had one of the best Christmases I've had in a long, long time this year. This was the first Christmas I've had in my working career (I started working when I was 15) that I had some time off to truly enjoy the holidays and spend time with loved ones. It was also the first Christmas Rhett and I spent in our new apartment, and also the first time I've ever had a real, living, tree!

For a few images from our Christmas, check out my Picasa album Here.

So, here's looking forward to a fantastic 2011! Let's hope this winter flies by...though our backyard looks beautiful blanketed under snow, I cannot wait for spring time to start using it!